Thursday, August 26

Exchange 2010 SP1 is now out!

A great news - Exchange 2010 SP1 is now released...

Personally, it enable a great UI for the users, be able to change interesting theme... easier to share calendar via OWA...

A worth service pack to implement...

Sunday, January 10

Exchange Server Supportability Matrix

Recently, in a project, consist of WIndows 2000, 2003 and 2008; Exchange 2000, 2003 and 2007. Customer plan to run on Windows 2008/R2. Question is, what is the supportability matrix?

Till date, Exchange 2007 SP2 only be able to run on Windows 2008 OS, however, be able to run on Windows 2008 R2 domain.

Need to know more? Microsoft has a great website with the table matrix shows: