Monday, July 10

What do you need to know before choosing InterOrg Migration

Something to flash your mind before we go for the Migration Phase. (InterOrg…)

What Exchange migration does

The Migration Wizard performs the following tasks:
Migrate all mailbox information to the new Exchange mailboxes, including the following data:

  • Inbox
  • Drafts
  • Sent Items
  • Calendar
  • Tasks
  • Custom folders that were created by the mailbox owner
  • Contacts
  • Create new user accounts in Active Directory (if they do not already exist) based on the Exchange 5.5 accounts in the source organization - you can choose during the step.
  • Migrate X.400, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), cc:Mail, Microsoft Mail, and other e-mail addresses into the e-mail addresses attribute of the new user account in Active Directory.
  • Convert Active Directory contacts to mail-enabled user accounts in Active Directory (if these contacts have been created with the Active Directory Connector) when you migrate from Exchange 5.5. If a contact has been manually created in the target Active Directory and a mailbox that has the same alias is migrated, a new disabled user account with a 1 appended to the name is created in Active Directory. The original contact remains unchanged. Only contacts that are created by the ADC are converted into mail-enabled user accounts by the Migration Wizard.
  • Update Exchange Server 2003 group membership when you migrate from Exchange 5.5. However, Exchange 5.5 distribution lists are not migrated. For example, if a distribution group in Active Directory contains contacts, during a migration procedure these contacts may be converted to user accounts that are turned off, and the distribution group in Active Directory is updated to reflect this change.

Another Important things to know!!

What Exchange migration does not do:

The Migration Wizard is not designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Clean up or remove mailboxes in the source organization. The original mailboxes in the source organization continue to receive messages after the migration process is complete. You must delete the original mailboxes, or configure other recipients that point to the new mailboxes that are hosted in the target Exchange organization.
    Migrate custom recipients. The Migration Wizard creates contacts from custom recipients. However, you can delete the mailbox, if ADC configured, a custom recepient will be created in Exchange 5.5
  • Preserve ACLs. The Migration Wizard does not preserve ACLs to other mailboxes or public folders.
  • Migrate mailboxes in the same organization. The source organization from which you migrate mailboxes must be different from the target organization.
  • Migrate personal mail archives or personal address books.
  • Migrate distribution lists.
    Export the distribution list, and then use the LDIFDE or CSVDE command-line utilities to convert them.
  • Migrate Inbox rules. After you use the Migration Wizard to migrate mailbox information, the mailbox owners must re-create their Microsoft Outlook Inbox rules.
  • Migrate public folders. You can migrate public folders by exporting them to .pst files or by using the Inter-organization replication utility, which sound like PFMigrate.

Have Fun - please remember, we will always recommend a huge organization to go for IntraOrg unless some political or technical issues - eg: Change of company name.

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