Wednesday, March 21

You set Exchange 2007 resource, what else need to be done?

Exchange 2007 allow us to creat resources mailbox, eg: Meeting Room, Projectors++. Once created, you will need to ensure the resources created to auto accept any query or request on the particular resource. Previous Exchange, you will need to login one by one to the particular mailbox to configure it. In Exchange 2007, after you create the resource mailbox, what else need to be done? You will need to run the following command in Exchange Management Shell:

NOTE: You can also set the resource capasity now! Eg: in one of your meeting room, only be able to fit 20 people, you can type in resource information, under the property of the object.

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings –AutomateProcessing AutoAccept

To verify, you can:
Type in MSH, Get-MailboxCalendarSettings to check whether the automate process is configured for the resource created, eg: Meeting Room 1

Hope this help and clarify


  1. Hi Poo,

    Love the blog - some very useful info! I have a question I'm hoping you can help me with regarding AutoAccept for rooms. If I have an entire OU of room resources, is there a PowerShell command I can use to set every room in the OU to AutoAccept instead of retyping the command for each individual room? I've tried the following command:

    get-user -organizationalUnit "E2k7 - Conference Rooms" | where-object{$_.ResourceType -eq "Room"} | set-MailboxCalendarSettings -AutomateProcessing:AutoAccept

    My thought was that it would take all accts with a ResourceType that equals "Room" in the specified OU and set each room's MailboxCalendarSetting of AutomateProcessing to AutoAccept but the command just runs for a few seconds with no errors and returns me to the PowerShell command line with none of the room accts updated to AutoAccept (they're still set to AutoUpdate). I've tried wildcards ('*') and partial wildcards ('roomname*') for multiple rooms that start with the same sequence of letters - no luck either way. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi Poo,

    Just found the answer! Instead of "get-user" I needed to use "get-mailbox". Exa:

    get-mailbox -organizationalUnit "Specify-OU-Name-Here" | where-object{$_.ResourceType -eq "Room"} | set-MailboxCalendarSettings -AutomateProcessing:AutoAccept

    This took every room in the specified OU and set AutomateProcessing to AutoAccept.

    To confirm this, I used the following command:

    get-mailboxcalendarsettings -organizationalUnit "Specify-OU-Name-Here" |fl

    This returned a list of all rooms in the OU and their resource settings, with AutomateProcessing listed first.

  3. Hi,
    How would you troubleshoot if the resource keeps setting the appointments as tentative. When we try to book a second appointment it cancels the first and marks the next one tentative.

    Thanks for the fantastic blog and help in advance.


  4. Very useful information provided by you on Exchange 2007. I will remember your valuable tips.

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  6. Hi Poo, Just found the answer! Instead of "get-user" I needed to use "get-mailbox". Exa: get-mailbox -organizationalUnit "Specify-OU-Name-Here" | where-object{$_.ResourceType -eq "Room"} | set-MailboxCalendarSettings -AutomateProcessing:AutoAccept This took every room in the specified OU and set AutomateProcessing to AutoAccept. To confirm this, I used the following command: get-mailboxcalendarsettings -organizationalUnit "Specify-OU-Name-Here" |fl This returned a list of all rooms in the OU and their resource settings, with AutomateProcessing listed first.

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