Monday, March 3

Edge Transport Address Rewriting

Recently, because of Malaysia's election, we got a quick project on migrating Linux to Exchange server, using Exchange 2007 HUB/CAS/MB and Edge.

One of the requirement is to use address rewriting feature in Edge Transport server.

To know more about edge transport server, please visit:

However, once we configured the HUB/CAS/MB and the Edge (in other server of course), the address rewriting is not working at all...

Discovered that we will need to perform Edge Subscription, which means sync the Edge and Hub Transport - the address re-writing then works.

Will check with the product team if this is a must - which not getting from any official doc.

Just a share.


  1. I am poor suffering USER who is having Vista/OWA problems. Unlike most of the posts, I do not get the red x display when trying to use OWA via Vista. Rather what happens to me is that the frames load perfectly.. but the display window shows the "Loading..." message only. This is the case when attempting to open anything from the left pane (Inbox, Sent, etc.). I've loaded all the updates and tried al the fizes. Nothing works.

    Any suggestions?

  2. I have the same problem, can somone please provide general steps for fixing this issue. My exchange 2007 has been working for a while, and now i need to use address rewriting, but it's not working...

    any help will be very appriciated


  3. It is confirm you will need to subscribe Hub and Edge. It will then work.

  4. hi all
