Monday, February 2

Checking your MX record

Recently, purchased few domain name due to promotions. However, Malaysia ISP blocked NSLOOKUP and similar tools for DNS checking/spoofing.

Discovered a cool website:

Allow you to check your MX record, as well as checking your IP if its in a black list.

Helped me a lot. Hope it help you too.


  1. Hello Bro, wishing you a happy prosperous new year, .... wonder if checking MX still works...i did a test and it seemed working from Streamyx...its ridiculous if they block such tools, its like they block Ping at one time also, thats real lame..i bet they get lots of attacks from http, so why don't block http altogether ah?..haha. Take care my friend.

  2. Hi bro,

    Thanks and happy holiday. Checked from our office and its negative :(

    Agreed that they shouldnt block - a barrier for tech folks like us...

  3. Hi bro, Thanks and happy holiday. Checked from our office and its negative :( Agreed that they shouldnt block - a barrier for tech folks like us...
