Monday, August 14

Exchange 2007 - Cool features

Exchange 2007 at last comes out to the market.

We are please that UEMB being selected as the TAP. We would like to share out some features available in E2007.

E2007 supports new data protection mechanisms – LCR & CCR. Local Continuous Replication, the Exchange server maintain a duplicate of storage group on another volume in the server. In Clustered Continuous Replication, another physical server maintains a copy of the storage group.

As for security, E2007 provides improved message security and regulatory compliance – allow establish sender, recipient, connection based anti spam! Besides, it can detect the Sender reputation to avoid any attack on the server. Storage rules now can be defined that allow message retention. Lastly, still remember SmartScreen technology in Exchange 2003 SP2? In E2007, it will then automatically update.

Administration part, the Exchange Management Console replaces Exchange System Manager. Exchange Management Shell provides a powerful, scriptable administrative environment. With Outlook 2007, Exchange 2007 support client AutoDiscover.

With the hottest topic, Unified Messaging Services, now you can have one inbox for e-mail, faxes, and voice mail!

In our next post, we will mentioned more about Hardware and Infrastructure requirements.

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