Monday, August 14

What Exchange 5.5/2000/2003 administrators need to know to move to next version

What we would like everyone that is either in Exchange 5.5/Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003, what you need to know to move forward to Exchange 2007. START PLANNING...

Take note on soon discontinued features

Public Folders
Microsoft mentioned that SPS (Microsoft SharePoint Services) can perform better. As for system folders, which an important element in previous Exchange is now remove from Exchange 2007. Good news!

These APIs, yes, is discouraged to use. The reasons due to these services need to run in the Exchange server itself. Exchange 2007 provides more rich web-based APIs which support in hosting in different server.

As for those discontinued features

Administrative Groups
Exchange 2000 introduced this to comply with Exchange 5.5. Since Exchange 2007 does not allow Exchange 5.5 servers in the same Organization, it is now relies on Active Directory administrative Topology!

Routing Groups
Lots of people has the headache to plan on this as it is different compared with AD Site and Services. Good new is, Exchange 2007 now uses AD site as a boundary for routing messages.

Co-existence with Exchange 5.5
As predicted, Microsoft Exchange 2007 doest not allow Exchange 5.5 in its Organization. In addition, there is no direct upgrade path from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2007. You will need to upgrade to Exchange 2003 first.

OWA to Public Folders
With the Anywhere Access for document (with SPS) and Universal Naming Convension (UNC) shared folder, PF in OWA is now out the picture.

EAS (Exchange Active Sync) replace OMA, introduced in Exchange 2003. This solved many issues on technical with OMA.

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